perm filename CHARS.MEE[AM,DBL] blob sn#521338 filedate 1980-07-11 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: LIGO 		Race: Giant    		Fatigue Damage:
C00004 00003	Name: NARGLE		Race: Lizardman		Fatigue Damage:
C00006 00004	Barry,  -- OLD LIZ  NARTHREI
C00012 00005	Barry,
C00017 00006	Name: ENARGE		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00018 00007	Name: ENARTU		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00019 00008	Name: ENARTH 		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00020 00009	Name: ENARLED		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
C00021 00010	Name: HOTHON 		Race: Halfling 		Fatigue Damage:
C00027 ENDMK
Name: LIGO 		Race: Giant    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	25					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	 9		AdjDX: 9    w/missiles:	9    in HTH: 13
IQ:	 7

MA:	10		AdjMA: 10

Weapons carried:
9	Pike Axe (2+2) jab; move back and charge again (NOT engaged by
		a 1HEX figure!); strikes first in round for double dam.
		Carried one-handed.
9	Club (1+6)
13	HandToHand damage: (1+3)      w/daggar: (1+6)  
9	Heavy Crossbow (3)

Armor protection: 6
	Chain (abs. 3; DX -0)
	Tower Shield (abs. 3; DX -0)

Talents: Shield (1), Pole Weapons (2), Human Lang. (1), Crossbow (1)

Learning: veteran, warrior, 
Name: NARGLE		Race: Lizardman		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	14					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	10		AdjDX: 10   in HTH: 14  
IQ:	14

MA:	10   		AdjMA: 10

Weapons carried:
(10)	Hand (1-1)
(10)	Club (2-handed) (1+3)
(10)	Dagger (1-1)
(14)	HandToHand damage: (1)x2    w/daggar: (1+2)x2

Armor protection: 1 (sm. shield)

Spells: Enchant armor/weapon; Glamor (liz --> halfling; tank <--> unarm.)
	Sleep, Illusion, Lightening, Summon Giant, Aid, Reveal/Conceal
Talents: Tactics (2), Knife (2), Human (1), Shield (2)

Learning: open tunnel, blast trap, lesser item creation

Appears to be a dwarf in plate armor, carrying a sword and shield.
Co-fighter is really a tank, with flowing robes over his armor, glamored to look 
like an unarmored goblin in robes.

Here are the details on the character for Thu. Some small queries:
(1) Can a character carry two shields, rather than a shield and a weapon?
Do the protections -- and the DX minuses -- simply add?
The closest thing to this is
the two-weapon talent notes (b) and (c), wherein using two daggers to
parry with stops 4 hits, and using one dagger stops 2 hits.  This would
be a useful tactic for mages, or for folks rushing a long distance in the
face of missle fire. I will not be using it, at least not this week.

(2) What damage does a dagger do in normal combat?  On the weapons table,
it's listed as 1-1; this coincides with (1-4)+3, which is the "STR damage
done" plus three FOR A FIGURE OF STR 8 (such a figure does 1-4 barehand dam.)
The 2nd formula is mentioned a few places.
In meelee, on the page bbefore the weapons are listed, it specifically
says that the damage done by clubs, cestus, and dagger depend upon STR.
It seems more reasonable that
if you can do 1+1 damage with your bare hand, you shouldn't do two points
LESS if you have a dagger ready.  
The damage inflicted this way is less than could be done by, say, a
sword carried by a person of a given STR.
(e.g., for STR 12, dagger would do 1+1, as compared to a 2-die broadsword;
for STR 16, dagger would do 1+3, as compared to Greatword 3+1).
The greater the STR, the greater the disparity in damage inflicted.
Assuming we are playing this
"STR + 3" rule, Narthrei will have only a dagger; otherwise, he will
buy a $10 crowbar, which can be used as a club (1+4) or maul (1+5).
(Under equipment pricelist, it specifically says this)

(3) Trying to think back to the way we worked lizard HTH, I think 
we took (STR damage in HTH combat)x2 + (dagger bonus).  I.e., the
extra damage due to using the dagger was not doubled.  This was how Jim
and I were playing.

(4) I think we are all agreed that we should somehow make arena combat
(in which you have a 50-50 chance of losing) more lucrative, without
going overboard.  I propose the following. 
If a character dies, the killer(s) get 20% of his cash (this does not
include magical items but does include the cash value, if any, of his
nonmagical armor and weapons). If the character surrenders, the amount is
halved (i.e., 10%).  This award is instantaneous, so if the killer then
surrenders, his cash value will have been increased already.
The character can will away (or else the state will confiscate) all other
cash, all magic items, etc.  For starting characters, such as we have,
such bonuses will be very small (e.g., $4 for my lizardman, $50 for my
mage), but it makes it more exciting when characters go in who have a
lot to lose.  You may think of it as "ante"; i.e., forced betting upon
yourself. Since characters will probably never let many thousands of
dollars accrue without spending them, the bonuses will NEVER get beyond the
hundreds of dollars range.  I would like to play this way on Thu (i.e.,
every character antes up 20% of his cash, and gets half back if he
surrenders, all back if he never has to surrender).  This is inaddition to
what the crowd throws down.

(5) Lizardman armor is specifically stated to be 130% the weight of normal.
This is figured in below.

(6) Notice that Narthrei is studying diplomacy, which he can take when his
IQ goes up from 9 to 10.  He will probably keep a low profile till then.
Nartu of course is keeping an even lower profile these days.

I have decided to croak the  lizard.  Playing tough fighters may get  lots
of points, but it's not as much fun as a bizarre high-IQ type.   Nworoknei
will be my new character.  If you will let her keep the points she  earned
today, I will run her  as is.  Assuming you want  me NOT to count them,  I
have made a  few changes in  her talents.  Below  is her character  sheet.
She wants to be a prostitute,  and will use her business sense,  charisma,
sex appeal (and  even tactics,  recognize value, and  (for that  something
unusual) summon elemental and whip) to get a good living.  This should  be
a very highly paid  but fairly risky  job.  If income  and risk rolls  are
going to be  inferior to town  wizards of equivalent  IQ, then ignore  the
whole sheet, and I will reconfigure  her as a wizard (i.e., about  $100/wk
now, and twice that when her IQ goes  up to 17, and $300 at IQ 19),  since
her first 4 points will go into IQ anyway (so she can get to IQ20 and take
Word of Command).  Given the large number of appropriate talents, and  the
exceedingly high rate of pay  for similar folk on  Earth, this is not  too
unreasonable.  Hers is a profession which, like wizardry, pays off to  the

Her first week (or 2 if nec.), she will use charisma and new followers  to
get a follower. Don't roll more than 2 weeks of time, as she may go into a
small arena combat next week prior to Thursday.  If Jim and I do something
like that Mon., would  you be interested?   Note: if she  gets a human  on
week1 she will try monst. foll. to get a wolf (or a huge dog if there  are
no wolves around)  as her follower  the next  week.  If there  are no  big
stray dogs even around town, she will go to the mages and pay to have them
throw CALLING.  In any  case, on week  #3 she will  do plain old  shopping
(whips, leather,  etc.)  That  week, she  will stop  in at  the mages  and
arrange for 6 apprentices' services the night before her "big arena" fight
(to give her AID while she summons elementals).  I assume that hiring  out
a few hours  of the  time of  some apprentices  (rather than  mages) is  a
mundane thing to purchase; I also assume that if you only want them for  a
day, they charge 1/5 their usual weekly rate (as wizards do).  I will give
more details of that casting when and if we get to it.

Name: NWOROKNEI		Race: Human   Female 	Fatigue Damage:
ST:	 8					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	 8		AdjDX: 0   in HTH: 6
IQ:	16

MA:	10   		AdjMA: 6

Weapons carried:
	Old Heavy Crossbow (w/ cranequin)
	Old dagger
	Will buy 2 whips (sometime in first few weeks)

Armor protection: (total 8)
	Old Plate armor (weighs 25kg; stops 5 hits; DX-6)
	Old Tower shield (weighs 15kg; stops 3 hits; DX-2)

Talents: Shield, Whip, Tactics, Charisma, New Followers, Sex Appeal,
	Business Sense, Monster Followers, Recognize Value,
	and one spell: Summon/Destroy Elementals
Learning: Knife, Word of Command (obey), Assess Value
Total weight carried: 31kg, plus a 15kg shield.
Name: ENARGE		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	18					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	 7		AdjDX: 7    in HTH: 11  
IQ:	12

MA:	10   		AdjMA: 10

Weapons carried:
(7)	BattleAxe (3+1)
(10)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   
(7)	Dagger (1-1)
(11)	HandToHand damage: (1+1)    w/daggar: (1+4)  

Armor protection: 
	3 (skin)
	2 (leather)
Talents: Ax/Mace (2), Shield (1), Warrior (2), Vet (3), Missle Weapons (3),
	Crossbow (1)

Name: ENARTU		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	13					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	13		AdjDX: 13   in HTH: 17
IQ:	11
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 12

(13)	Morningstar (2+2)
(9)	L.H. Morningstar (2+2)
(16)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   (every 2nd turn)
(13)	Dagger (1-1)
(17)	HandToHand damage: (1-1)    w/daggar: (1+2)  

Armor protection: none
Talents: Ax/Mace (2), Shield (1), Missle Weapons (3), Running (2), Two Weapons (3)

Name: ENARTH 		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	10					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	14 		AdjDX: 12   in HTH: 16
IQ:	14
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 8

(12)	+2 Fine Hammer (1+6) (ench. to +2 damage)
(10)	L.H. +2 Morningstar (1+4) (ench. to +2 DX)
(3)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   (every 3rd turn)
(8)	+2 Fine Dagger (1+3) (ench. to +2 damage)
(16/12)	HandToHand damage: (1-3)    w/daggar: (1+4)

Armor protection:
Talents: Ax/Mace (4), Two Weapons (6)
Spells: Illusion, Sleep, Dazzle, Enchant item

Name: ENARLED		Race: Dwarf    		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	10					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	 6 		AdjDX: -2   in HTH: 5 
IQ:	19
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 6

(-2)	Hammer (1+2) 
(-11)	Heavy Crossbow (3)   (every 3rd turn)
(0)	+2 Fine Dagger (1+1) (ench. to +2 dex)
(5/9)	HandToHand damage: (1-3)    w/daggar: (1+2)

Armor protection:
	Plate (5), Tower Shield (3)
Talents: Ax/Mace (2), Shield (1), Tactics (1), Charaisma (2),
	Knife (1), New Followers (2), Human (1), Literacy (1),
	Blast Trap (3), Alertness (2), Recognize Value (1), Ventril (2)
2 blast traps were prepared, each of the 2+2 (1d6 if 1 hex away) grenade type

Name: HOTHON 		Race: Halfling 		Fatigue Damage:
ST:	 8					Wounds  Damage:
DX:	18 		AdjDX: 16   in HTH: 20
IQ:	13
MA:	10   		AdjMA: 8

(16)	+2 fine Dagger (1+2) 
(21)	Thrown dagger (1)
(15)	Targeted thrown dagger (1)
(15)	Lt. Crossbow (2+1)   (every turn)
(20)	HandToHand damage: (1-4)    w/+2 daggar: (1+1)

Armor protection:
	Leather (2), Sm. Shield (1)
Talents: Thief (2), Master Thief (2), Det Traps (2), Silent (2), Rem Traps (1),
	Knife (1), Thrown Weapons (1), Shield (1), Crossbow (1)